UPCFS is a complimentary tool written by Martin Barr that provides real BBC Micro based computers with the ability to read Unified Emulator Format (UEF) files as if they were real data cassettes. The speed at which UPCFS performs has to be seen to be believed. Where a cassette may take several minutes to load into the computer, UPCFS loads the equivalent UEF file in just a few seconds! Just take a look at the video below...
By using UEF data files instead of the original data cassettes, not only is there a speed increase in the load times of the programs but there is also the reliability factor to consider. Original audio cassettes from the 1980's and early 1990's are aging and the data they store is degrading. In the not too distant future, some of the oldest data cassettes may not work at all. UPCFS attempts to answer that problem by allowing a real BBC Micro computer to take advantage of the digital storage solutions that have been created for the BBC Emulators. UEF data never gets old, it never wears out and it certainly never gets tangled in your cassette players pinch roller!
UPCFS strives to support as many UEF files as possible and remain transparent to the programs being loaded. With 240 software titles tested as working at the release of version 1 of UPCFS, the programs simply load as if they were being loaded direct from cassette... The only difference is the data rate! Currently with the release of version one of UPCFS, there are some incompatibilities with software titles that use strong copy protection techniques and you can take a look at the list of titles that we know do not work but the majority of UEF titles seem to behave just fine with UPCFS.
If you do find a UEF that isn't on the list of known incompatibilities then please let us know by submitting your information to us for analysis.
Version 5.1 of the UPURS suite is an update to the 5.0 suite that contains several bug fixes including fixes to writing the final track of certain SSD files and also several fixes to the UPLOAD command.
To find out more about UPCFS, take a look at the UPCFS page.
UPURSFS is a new ROM image written by sweh that uses a UPURS cable to provide a HostFS filesystem over a fast serial link.
The ROM is designed to interface with TubeHost which can be downloaded from mdfs.net. The latest version of the UPURSFS ROM and a version of TubeHost for Linux can be downloaded from sweh's site here.
Version 4.1 supports the use of both legacy serial ports and USB to RS-232 serial cables to transfer data to and from the BBC Micro.
Version 1 of the UPCFS system has achieved over 86% compatibility with existing UEF files of BBC Micro and Electron programs but there are so many UEF files out there, we couldn't hope to test them all.
If you do find a problem UEF file and you can reliably repeat the issue, please use our UPCFS issue reporting form to let us know.
UPTX was written by Dave Ault. The UPTX batch file will need minor edits to conform to your environment by specifying the correct COM port. Type UPTX /? for more information.
NOTE: Drivers prior to version 2.08.15 ar incompatible with UPURS and UPCFS. The latest WHQL approved drivers are 2.08.24 and should work fine.